So, I walked away for a little bit and some crazy things started happening in the comments for the blog. There were literally thousands of unnecessary, piggyback comments. For the sake of my sanity (I could not read through all of them) all the comments for the last few years have been deleted and, from now on, comments will be moderated. I'm sorry to all of you whose comment was genuine and in the spirit of things. This is why we can't have nice things.
A.L. Davroe
Author of YA and adult science fiction, fantasy, horror, and paranormal romance.
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Friday, May 13, 2022
Songs of the Deep Cover Reveal
Behold! A forthcoming anthology that I am part of!
Once long ago, women were believed to be bad luck if on ships. A belief that led to their demise at the hands of men.
Once thrown over, they drowned or, in some cases, saved by the God of the Sea. Granted a new life under the waves, these women could seek revenge and second chances. As times changed, any who found death under the waves could find themselves turned to life as a mermaid - or merman. That is where Songs of the Deep begins. With death, magic, and revenge.
Preorder link:
Genre: PNR and UF
Dive under the waves with 24 tales of mermaid magic.
Tides of Chaos by USA Today Bestselling Author D.C. Gomez
Tides of Time by USA Today Bestselling Author Lexi Ostrow
A Rising Tide by USA Today Bestselling Author Nicole Zoltack
Weight of Water by USA Today Bestselling Author Elle Cross
Turning the Tide by USA Today Bestselling Heather Young-Nichols & USA Today Bestselling J.A. Hardt
Deep Sea Dream by USA Today Bestselling Author Thea Dane
Mermaid's Tail by Award-Winning Author Tami Lund
In too Deep by International Bestselling Author Nikki Prince
Ivory Cove by Jordan Elizabeth
Serena’s Song by Tiffany Shand
Cut the Line by A.L. Davroe
Siren Song by Melissa MacKinnon
A Dark Tail by Cara North
A Break in the Tide by Alessa Winters
Song of Storms by Casia Pickering
Kintsugi Unbroken by Marie Catherine
…And More!
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Upcoming Releases!
Good morning!
I wanted to keep you abreast of all the comings and goings of my productivity this year!
1. I'm rolling a number of aforementioned and existing series titles into the Dark Covenant Universe. The stories have always taken place in the same world (Dark Covenant), I just called them something different to make them more distinct. However, I've decided it may be less confusing for readers to follow the various storylines if they're all part of the same series title with some qualifiers at the end. At this time, the Dark Covenant Universe books will all say "Dark Covenant" and then the distinctive storylines will follow that title: IE Dark Covenant Retellings, Dark Covenant Protectorship, Dark Covenant Waymaker, etc.
2. I will have a limited release in the new Literary Love Savannah "Stacks" anthology. If you are not attending, it will be released after the event as an ebook download. This will be a short story taking place in my Dark Covenant Universe and will be a lynch-pin piece.
3. I'm working with a cover artist to do a new cover for FOR YOUR HEART. I'm also re-editing and making some adjustments to the book so it will be a new edition with some changes to align more with the world it's part of and the changing times.
4. Besides the LLS anthologies, I'm participating in two more anthologies in 2023 and 3 in 2024. The 2023 Songs of the Deep Anthology - which is all about mermaids - seems to be the one we're putting the most effort into so there will be a cover reveal and all sorts of release goodies, so stay tuned for that. I'll also be independently releasing that story once the anthology has run its course. I've already got the cover for it!
5. After sitting on a number of finished novels for a couple of years, I'm just gonna release them. So, get ready for some Dark Covenant novels in the near future! Dark Entry Guard and Scar-Crossed are in the works!
6. I have not forgotten Tales of Turin. The final story is in the works, it just got back burnered because I wanted to make sure I got all my anthology requirements out of the way before I worked on it. I'm hoping to have it out by 2023. If you haven't yet, make sure you check out all three tales which are available via print, ebook, and audiobook. Once everyone is released there will be an omnibus version you can purchase.
7. I haven't forgotten about City Steam either, I'm just tweaking some shorts for that world to make them more appropriate for where I want the series to go. Once these are done I'm planning on releasing an omnibus collection. I do have a novel I've been writing (for like, ever) in this world. My plan is to try and shop this novel around to NY when it's done as I feel it will do well in the market.
8. People have been asking about the Tricksters series. At this time, there are no plans for more novels in this series. The contract for this series was for two books and the publisher has not indicated wanting more at this time. Maybe one day, but right now my focus isn't on this world and I'm not sure when it will be again. I am planning more sci-fi and post-apocalyptic for you in the future but it's gonna be a little wait.
9. People are also asking about more "They" books. Ya'll just love how horrific my mind can get, you gluttons. There is one I'm working on, but obviously I do like 12 things all at one time and it takes forever to finish anything - especially horror because it takes a special kind of mindset to go here. The Murder of Juniper Hayes is coming, I swear it, it's just a little more high concept and complicated. I even have the cover for it already... You'll also get Strands of Souls at some point too - these are both plotted and somewhere in the works.
10. Finally, I've been playing in a witchy sandbox and I've got most of a new witch book written for you. I'm not sure about the timeline on that but it's there and also folds into the Dark Covenant Universe.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
NEXIS Debut on KISS App Giveaway
I'm happy to announce that Entangled and I have enrolled NEXIS to be available for reading on the KISS app and it debuts today! In honor of this exciting release, KISS and I are teaming up to give four lucky readers 20 coins each so that they can use them to read something amazing on the KISS app.
See below to enter!
In case you're not familiar with the KISS app, here's the skinny:
- KISS is a new and exciting way to experience Romance stories of all genres. Enjoy serialized quality content from NYT and USA Today bestselling authors, available right from your phone.
- KISS has hundreds of titles and authors to choose from, including new and exclusive content from some of your favorite voices!
- Best of all, you can choose just how much to read with our pay-as-you-go format!
Wanna download and get started?
- IOS:
- Android:
Monday, April 5, 2021
Monday Muse: STARSET - MANIFEST (Official Music Video)
Monday, March 29, 2021
Monday Muse: Ciara - Paint It, Black
Monday, March 22, 2021
Monday Muse: Delta Rae - "The Dark"
If any of you have been paying attention, you know that I LOVE Delta Rae. They are often featured on Monday Muse and songs of theirs are on numerous "inspiration" playlists for my writing. It should come as no surprise that when they went Indie and put up a Kickstarter I backed it. The idea was simple, two sister albums -- The Light and The Dark -- released at different points in time. Well, The Dark album dropped this week and, like all of their well timed music, I needed to hear it. I think you all need it in your lives too, so here you go.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
This was a long time coming but certainly needed to be done as I have people asking me all the time about whether I'm in audiobook. I'm a huge fan of audiobooks myself, so I definitely felt I was missing a section of my readership without one and it killed me that my contract for the Tricksters series makes if difficult to get them into audiobook. For the time being, my self-published work is what I'll be focusing on for audiobook.
That said, I chose ROYAL REVOLUTION (Tales of Turin) -- my latest release -- to be the first of my audiobooks. It's novelette length, so it's an easy sampler for both my work as well as something that's not a hard dedication for listeners. The fabulous Joshua Macrae is the narrator and I'm probably going to keep him on for at least the rest of the Tales of Turin. Once I'm done with the Tales of Turin releases I think I'll circle back to the City Steam world and maybe get a few of those into audiobook as well.
So, if you wanna try one of my books on audio, here you go, enjoy!!!
Monday, March 15, 2021
Monday Muse: Ayron Jones -- Take me Away
I am bringing back Monday Muse on a semi-routine basis. I've been awful at posting for you lovely folx and I think you all deserve better than that! I've been discovering all kinds of fun music this year and I should share it, right!? Jury is still out on Feature Friday, but you'll probably be getting routine personal posts from me.
So, here's an amazing artist that I discovered this year. Ayron Jones. Holy Hannah, can we talk about this gent's voice, please? Since my long silence I've been going back to my rock roots and getting REALLY into soulful blues. Ayron hits all the right buttons for my music needs these days. Listening to this song I can close my eyes and imagine myself sitting in a bar on Bourbon or Beale street. Low lighting, heads nodding, guitars and signed posters mounted on the walls, sweaty beverage forgotten on the table...
Fully admit to *almost* publicly proposing to Ayron based on voice alone. But, I was smart and looked him up first...He's married, so I wish him all the best of luck for a healthy happy relationship and family instead! XD
Friday, January 1, 2021
The Revolution is Upon Us!
Happy 2021! We're not over the pandemic, but I think we're starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. What a cruddy year 2020 was... But, as some of you know, the pandemic has had one upside: I started writing again!
I've been working on MANY different projects here and there. As you know, I always work on ten projects at once and it takes me a while to actually finish any of them.
However, I DID finish a new dark fantasy novelette called Royal Revolution for an LLS2020 exclusive anthology called The Queen Collection. I have self published this novelette and it's available in e-book and print starting today through Amazon. You'll be able to get this as an AUDIOBOOK in February. It's the first of my work to be an audiobook and I'm really happy with how it came out!
I haven't put anything out in quite a few years so I hope you love this character and the world she lives in. :) I'll be in two more anthologies this coming year and my intent is to self-publish those pieces as well.